The First Descendant 1.0.7 Update: Content Improvements and Bug Fixes

18 Авг 2024 19:46
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#82306 | 18 Авг 2024
18 Авг 2024

Greetings, Descendants! The development team of The First Descendant has released update version 1.0.7, applied without any maintenance downtime on August 13, 2024.

Patch Date

  • 08.13.2024 (TUE) 00:00 PDT


  • Steam, Xbox Series X│S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5

Patch Details

Content Improvements

  1. In Special Operations, if a player does not choose “Abort” or “Continue” during an interim review, “Abort” will be automatically selected.
  2. The difficulty of mechanics in the Hard Intercept Battle with Frost Walker has been reduced:
    • Destroying frenzied parts now generates two embers.
    • The frenzy threshold has been increased, reducing the frequency of Frost Walker entering frenzy mode.
    • Slug shots hitting Frost Walker during frenzy mode now slow its movements, making it easier to aim at weak points.
  3. Characters no longer take damage in hazardous areas after the Void Intercept Battle ends.
  4. After defeating “Molten Fortress,” the lava on the ground now disappears immediately.
  5. After defeating “Swamp Walker,” the “Disease” status effect is now removed immediately.
  6. The restart function for Void Intercept Battles, Special Operations, and Infiltration Operations is now split into two options: “Start with the current Squad” and “Restart Mission.” The time available for “Start with the current Squad” has been extended to 60 seconds.

Field Improvements

  • In the “Echo Swamp – Derelict Covert” area, Void Fragment (Toxic) monsters now spawn faster.
  • The HP of monsters in Void Fusion Reactors has been reduced, and they now drop more ammo and recovery orbs.

Battle Pass

  • The requirements for the Week 6 Battle Pass Challenge “Wouldn’t It Hurt More If My Rifle Fired Harder?” have been changed to “Enhance Rifling Reinforcement to Level 3.”
  • The difficulty of weekly challenges for Battle Pass Weeks 7 and 8 has been lowered, and the amount of reward EXP and Supply Coins has been increased.

UI/UX Improvements

  • Tooltips for equipment now appear faster.
  • Option tiers are now displayed on equipment icons.
  • Set effects for External Components are now displayed on their icons.

Bug Fixes

  1. UI/UX
    • Fixed an issue where filters in the Lab were not reapplied after re-entering the menu.
  2. Descendants
    • Fixed a bug where Yujin’s recovery amount was displayed incorrectly.
  3. Equipment and Modules
    • Corrected the display of firearm critical hit rate in the Acrobat set components.

This update brings numerous improvements, bug fixes, and optimizations, making the gameplay experience smoother and more enjoyable for players.

Сообщение изменено: 18 Авг 2024 19:46

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